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The International Youth Conference around UNSCR 2250

The International Youth Conference around UNSCR 2250

In the year 2018, the YWCA of Palestine convened an international youth conference under the title “Youth Participate and Youth Decide: Towards Freedom and Justice” within UNSCR 2250 in partnership with Al-Haq, Al Marsad, the YMCA of Gaza, and the Joint Advocacy Initiative (JAI), and with the support of the YWCA/YMCAs of Sweden, Norway, and Switzerland, Horyzon, World YWCA, UNFPA, and Global Ministries.  The conference took place in Ramallah and Gaza and was the first of its kind in Palestine. More than 500 participants, 70% youth, from historic Palestine, the West Bank, Gaza and from around the world attended the conference, which focused on youth issues in Palestine and their realities under occupation. The conference aimed to promote youth participation in decision-making processes and the implementation of UNSCR 2250. 

Read the conference report