National and International Advocacy

National and International Forums and Coalitions
The YWCA of Palestine works to mobilize relevant stakeholders, both nationally and internationally, to engage in the promotion of women’s rights, gender equality and just peace, mainly through its membership and leadership role in national and international forums and Coalitions. These include:
- The Higher Commission of UNSCR1325, which consists of 16
governmental ministries and organizations, as well as five active NGOs.
- The National Coalition for the Implementation of UNSCR
1325, which is headed by the General Union of Palestinian Women. The coalition contributes
to the development of the CEDAW shadow report, and monitors the government’s
work around the elimination of all forms of violence.
- The NGOs Forum for to Combat Violence against Women (Al Muntada), which actively advocates towards ending violence against women, young women and girls nationally and internationally. Al Muntada has contributed to mobilizing public opinion, lobbying decision-makers and transforming violence against women, young women and girls to a public issue. It is worth mentioning that the YWCA of Palestine hosted Al Muntada for two consecutive years (2017 – 2019);
- The Palestine Israel Ecumenical Forum (PIEF), in relation
to the World Council of Churches, which is aimed at increasing solidarity
between and among churches committed to peace and justice for communities
living under occupation;
- The National Coalition of Christian Organizations in
Palestine (NCCOP), which is formed by Christian and church-related
organizations in Palestine (West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza
Strip), working to unify the Palestinian Christian voice and message and
advocate for justice peace;
- Kairos Palestine, a Christian Palestinian ecumenical movement based on the Kairos Document, which is written by Palestinian Christians and calls for ending the Israeli occupation of Palestine, and achieving just peace in the Holy Land.
International Exchange and Representation Opportunities for Youth
The YWCA of Palestine offers
youth international exchange and representation opportunities to build their
capacities, gain new knowledge and develop their understanding of global issues
in addition to building global solidarity by raising awareness about their
realities under occupation. Young people have participated in the “Global Week”
event organized annually by Y Global Norway, and the Young Peace Performers (YPP)
exchange program to name a few.
In partnership with Y Global Norway, the YWCA of Palestine has hosted volunteers through the European
Volunteer Service (EVS) program. As EVS is an exchange program, a number of
Palestinian young people have also volunteered with Y Global. The program aims
at promoting solidarity between young people across nationalities and cultures
and offers youth the opportunity to express their support in meaningful ways.
Program participants have the chance to explore new cultures, learn about the
realities of people in other countries, and receive high quality training to
develop their skills and competences.
We have as well welcomed
volunteers from the United Kingdom through the “Equal Rights for Palestine”
project. This project is in partnership with International Service and funded by the European Solidarity Corps (ESC). The
project aims at promoting solidarity, cohesion, democracy and citizenship while
responding to social challenges and strengthening communities with an effort to
promote social inclusion.
United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW)
As of 2010,
the YWCA of Palestine has sent delegations of women and young women to join
YWCA sisters from around the world at the United Nations Commission on the
Status of Women (CSW) in New York. CSW is an important platform to
advocate for women’s rights whether political, social and economic, and gender
equality in addition to promoting women’s empowerment. Through CSW, we aim to
shed light on women’s issues in Palestine and their realities under occupation
by organizing a parallel event, if possible.
United Nations Human Rights Council (HRC)
Over the years, the YWCA of Palestine has provided young women with the opportunity to attend the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva to advocate for their rights, especially their right to participate in the decision-making processes.